Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Alumna of the Month: Jordan Younger

Our Alumna of the Month for August is Jordan Younger! Jordan just graduated from LMU this past spring and is currently attending The New School in Manhattan and pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing. While at LMU she held the position of Director of Fraternity Education (Pledge Mom) and Director of Health and Fitness.

When asked how has her experience in Alpha Phi influenced other aspects of her life Jordan tells us, "Experiencing recruitment four years in a row greatly prepared me to interact with just about anyone. It taught me to hold a conversation and find a point of connection with whoever I am talking to, and that has served me well in the professional world."

Jordan also tells us, "Alpha Phi was such a positive experience for me. The girls I met through Alpha Phi changed my life forever, and I will look back on all of our memories fondly. The girls two years below me will always be dear to my heart, as I was their pledge mom and I have loved watching them grow into beautiful, smart, amazing young women."

Jordan is also an avid blogger on her food blog, The Blonde Vegan. No doubt her experience as Director of Health and Fitness while in Alpha Phi laid the groundwork for this new venture :)