Friday, January 10, 2014

Courtney Krail: Director of New Member Education

When I first joined Alpha Phi there were two girls that made my experience exciting and comfortable. At the time, I barely knew who they were, but I looked up to them in so many ways because they were so inviting and taught us everything we needed to know about our sorority. They were our Pledge Moms. When I sat there and watched them, I knew I wanted to take on that position and I couldn’t wait to give a group of girls the same experience they gave me. Earlier this year, elections took place and I knew Director of New Member Education would be the perfect position for me. In becoming a “Pledge Mom” along with my good friend, Sarah Davidson, I knew there would be a crazy amount of preparation and teaching in store, but I have been having so much fun with all the activities and sisterhood events we are planning for the incoming new members. As education majors, Sarah and I love teaching and getting people excited to learn. Pledge Moms are given the responsibility to bring in the new members and teach them what Alpha Phi is all about. We cannot wait to welcome these girls with open arms and start getting to know each one of them as soon as we can. We look forward to teaching this spring’s new pledge class all of the great things Alpha Phi stands for and what being a part of this sorority truly means. Recruitment is a crazy and exciting time, and we are so excited for all the fun and commotion around the corner. We love Alpha Phi so much and we cannot wait to get the new members excited about the amazing sorority they have joined!

Pledge Moms Sarah and Courtney 

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