Thursday, November 21, 2013

Capture A-Phi: Mackenzie Menotti

Capture A-Phi, our capture the flag tournament, was a great finale to our chapter's first Heartthrob Week! It was out 4th year holding Capture A-Phi and it was a success! We earned over $1,500 to support our charity, the Alpha Phi Foundation!

We had over 20 teams of 6 players of more participate in the capture the flag tournament. Since this event was the last competition of Heartthrob Week, we had a bracket specifically for the teams competing in the week long competition that was separate from the normal bracket.

In the end, the mens LAX team took home the gold for the Heartthrob Week bracket and a mixed inter fraternal team of lambda chis, sig eps, and sigma chis won for the other bracket! We loved watching everyone place and get into the games! We hope that all of those that participated had fun because we definitely did!

Mackenzie Menotti: Director of Capture A-Phi 

The Inter Fraternal Winners!