Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Update!

With spring semester already half way through, we have a ton of exciting news to post about!  Here are a few blurbs about what we have been up to the last few months! It covers everything from rush, to big little reveal, to Aphiasco!

Family Time! Zeta Beta has been busy at work this semester growing our families! Starting off strong, we worked hard in January to make spring recruitment a success! We had so much fun and in the end, we got an AMAZING new class with 59 beautiful new members. Since then, we have loved getting to know all the new phis and helping them find a home here in Alpha Phi.

Next up were Presents in February.  This special ceremony was a great way to have family and friends see the special bonds being made between the new members and their new sisters. Each new member was paired with an active who spoke about them and told the chapter and parents a little bit more about our new sisters and the experiences so far in the sorority.  It was a great way to get to know more personal things about each of the new members from a fun and loving speaker.  These presentations really did made the new members feel special and loved!

Last but definitely not least, we had the wonderful celebration of Big Little Reveal!!! For the reveal, the Bigs wrapped themselves in wrapping paper with their Little's name on it and waited for their Little to come and unwrap them! It was such a fun night filled with new Bigs and Littles, g-bigs, gg-bigs, and even some ggg-bigs! It was an event that brought whole families together to welcome their newest member! We can't wait for initiation next week so our girls can finally wear their letters with pride!

APHIASCO! Our annual philanthropy event, Aphiasco, was such a success this year! Thanks to the skillful planning of our sister Alexandra McDonald, our event ran smoothly and raised over $40,000 in one night! It was great to come together as a chapter and bring our families to support a cause that is so close to all of us. For our event, a very special guest speaker joined us and shed a new light on heart disease.
(Check out this link to see our special guest in action! http://youtube.com/watch?v=R55e-uHQna0)
Max Paige, the 7 year-old boy who plays mini Darth Vader in the Volkswagen commercial, was born with a congenial heart difect and has been in and out of hospitals ever since.  He has had multiple surguries, and most recently underwent an invasive surgery to replace a valve in his heart.  As a guest speaker, he and his family gave a face to the cause we work so hard to support.  Max showed us how much of an impact Alpha Phi can make by donating funds to cardiac research and hospitals that support cardiac care.  With Max's help and the help of generous donors and families, the thousands of dollars araised at Aphiasco will go to heart research and to help children like Max afford the treatment they need.

Rush 2014!


              Big Little Reveal! 

Aphiasco with Max!-