Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Emilee Theno: A Reflection from the Emerging Leaders Institute

This past week, I attended the Alpha Phi Emerging Leaders Institute at Butler University. The conference was absolutely incredible and it is by far one of my favorite memories from being in Alpha Phi so far. As cheesy as it sounds, ELI really showed me that joining a sorority is really something that is not just four years but for life. I attended the conference with 49 other girls from all across the United States and Canada, and it was amazing to see how that even though we were all from different chapters, we all bonded so quickly with each other. The first day that we were there, we went to a team building challenge course, and we all had so much fun! It was a great way for us to get to know each other quickly because we had to really depend on one another during all of the activities, and we really became a cohesive support system throughout our time at the challenge course. It was so wonderful getting to hear about other chapters all around the nation because everyone had so many different ideas. I gained so much valuable knowledge from hearing about other girls’ experiences within their own chapters and I made so many wonderful friendships throughout the entire week. 
At the conference, we participated in lectures and discussions on how to refine our leadership skills not only within our chapters, but also throughout all aspects of our lives. We learned about listening skills, how to best deal with confrontation, how to best use our own values within our own leadership roles, and many other topics. We also had a question and answer session with alumnae, which was definitely one of my favorite parts of the week. I really saw how the friendships they built within Alpha Phi, as well as the values that Alpha Phi teaches its members carries on past college graduation. ELI is by far one of my most favorite memories of joining Alpha Phi so far, and I came back with so many great memories and knowledge to share with my own chapter at LMU.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Advice From Our Seniors!

We are going to miss this year's senior class so much! With graduation just a couple days away, a few of our seniors got sentimental and shared some advice to all our Phi's. Here's what they said:

"Branch out. Get involved with whatever you're interested in as early as you can! Greek life is fun but there are a lot of other opportunities to get involved at LMU as well, so take advantage!" - Maria Dalasio

"Just do it - do it all! If you think anything has a possibility of being even a smidge of fun, just do it because 4 years really isn't as much time as you think. AOE<3" - Quincy Rae Felipe

"When you look back on your four years of college the most important and special memories you have are the ones spent with your best friends doing the most crazy things (usually after midnight). So make sure to have a lots of these unforgettable experiences and leave the sleeping for after graduation." - Syndel Knoll

"This sounds cliche but college goes by faster than you can even imagine so spend as much time as possible with the friends you love. Don't be afraid to try new things and meet new people; life is all about taking risks, cuz if you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much space :)” - Lisa Alexander

"Say yes to everything. You can sleep when your dead.” - Mackenzie Menotti

"Just have fun and do what makes YOU happy! Live it up and remember that Gatorade cures all :)" - Alexandra MacDonald

"GET INVOLVED! I can't imagine what my time here at LMU would have been like if I hadn't been involved in things outside of Alpha Phi. It allows you to gain experience and make connections with new and different people. Plus, it is always great to add extra curricular and leadership positions to your resume!” - Michelle Eriksson

"Alpha phi has taught me to live in the moment. Don't sweat the small stuff, celebrate each little victory, laugh every day, and don't be afraid to sparkle." - Brianna Bruns

We love you seniors!