Tuesday, May 26, 2015

ELI Retreat

Recently, Alpha Phi sent Sara Montini to the Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) Retreat on behalf of LMU Alpha Phi. The ELI retreat is a five day intensive opportunity for freshman and sophomore women to better define their voice, identify their leadership skills and abilities, and learn how to make practical changes for their chapters and communities. Emerging leaders who attend the Institutes receive a full scholarship funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation that includes all travel, lodging and meals at the Institute.
As a result of participating in the Alpha Phi Emerging Leaders Institute, girls will:
  • ·      Clarify, articulate and apply the Alpha Phi values of leadership, service, sisterhood, loyalty, intellectual development, and character development. Through this process they will learn how to lead with authenticity, integrity, and confidence.
  • ·      Practice their leadership skills so they may serve as effective students, leaders, and citizens within their communities. Collegians will recognize leadership as an inherently relational process of working together to create positive change and be able to apply relational leadership to their current role within Alpha Phi.
  • ·      Know the history associated with women's leadership. In addition, collegians will be able to articulate the obstacles associated with women's assent to top leadership positions and know strategies for navigating around these obstacles.
  • ·      Build a strong community of support for their personal self and learn how to create a team committed to common goals.
  • ·      Strengthen effective communication skills so they may create healthy relationships with others.
  • ·      Discover and articulate their personal core values and know that living a values grounded life is living a life of integrity.
  • ·      Develop a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the Alpha Phi Ritual.

Sara Montini said of the trip, “The emerging leadership institute is in Indianapolis at butler university for alpha phis across the country. It's a week long program where you bond with each other, learn leadership skills, and share information about your own chapter with others. You learn a lot and grow as a person and grow closer to the 50 other girls! I've made a lot of good friends from all over  that I never would've met if it wasn't for this program.”