Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our Partnership with CHLA

Two years ago the chapter sought to find a local organization where our members could provide hands-on volunteer hours. After much research, we decided a partnership with the Heart Institute at Children's Hospital Los Angeles was the perfect fit. It complements The Alpha Phi foundation's mission of supporting women's cardiac health.

Our members have the opportunity to support heart patients at CHLA in a variety of ways. They provide treats to parents of patients who must endure days, weeks, months of hospital stays. They volunteer at the Holiday for the Heart program which supports underserved patients and families with Christmas gifts. They make holiday treats for patients, too.

In addition to spending time volunteering at CHLA, the chapter has provided over $60,000 in monetary donations to CHLA over the past 2 years. We hold 2 events each year to support The Alpha Phi Foundation and CHLA. The first is a Dance Marathon held in the Fall. The second is APHIASCO, a live and silent dinner auction, held in the Spring.

We were proud to make the first donation at Max's fundraising page. You may recognize Max from the famous Super Bowl commercial featuring him as Darth Vadar. We were first introduced to Max and his family when we first partnered with CHLA. In an amazing coincidence we discovered that Max's mom is an Alpha Phi too. We knew this partnership was destined to be.

If you would like to make a donation to Max, the link to his fundraising page is listed below: