Wednesday, September 9, 2015

LMU Lip Sync and Stroll Off 2015!

Every year, LMU Greek Life hosts a Lip Sync and Stroll Off in support of national and local philanthropies. Each sorority and fraternity choreographs a routine, practices throughout the first week of school, and then performs it in Gersten Pavilion in front of hundreds of people. This year’s theme was “Throwback Thursday,” or “TBT.” All of the Greek organizations came together to compete for the championship, which included a donation to their specific philanthropy.

This year, senior Brianne Levis and junior Kathleen Kenny choreographed our routine. We threw it back to when Iggy the Lion was a cub in Africa, and followed his journey to becoming LMU’s mascot! Our Ivy Man, senior Cole Madden, played Kanye West and led Iggy through the whole excursion to becoming the official mascot for LMU.

Despite the late night rehearsals the first week of school, Lip Sync brought our sorority closer together and helped all the new members bond with the upperclassmen. Sophomore Hailey Transue said that it was “hands down the best experience of my life. I honestly made so many new friends through the process and got to see a change throughout all of the girls. So proud to be a Phi!”

A huge congrats to Delta Zeta and Delta Sigma Phi on the win, and we already cannot wait for next year!

(We start at 13:18!)