Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sisterhood Retreat 2015!

This past weekend, October 3-4, we had our annual Sisterhood Retreat. It was held in Manhattan Beach, and was a weekend filled with bonding, tacos, and lots of pictures. 

The fun all began on Saturday with the new members. All the new members gathered at 4 p.m. for a night of fun activities. Our President, Andriana Ricchiuti, and our pledge moms, Katy Joy and Natalie Shuck, led us through the night’s events. We answered some questions like if we prefer the night or day and who's your celebrity crush, played catch phrase, ate pizza and ice cream sundaes, and finished off the night with candle pass. The candle pass really helped to bond all the new members as we learned the good, the bad, and the struggles our sisters are facing. It was really special to be able to show our support for one another, all in a comforting environment. We ended the night by having a huge slumber party, staying up late, and talking the night away. 

The next morning, we had an early wake up call of 9 a.m., and the rest of the chapter joined us for more bonding and festivities. One of the most fun parts of the day was a “Phamily” photo shoot. We wore matching outfits and took pictures with our big’s and little’s. After lots of picture taking, we were surprised with a taco stand for lunch. Throughout the remainder of the day, we gathered around and answered questions about our sisters, wrote letters to a sister who inspires us, played games, and told funny stories. 

By the end of the retreat, all of us felt closer as a chapter. The weekend really showed how lucky we are to have one another, and we’re already looking forward to next year’s Sisterhood Retreat!