Friday, August 31, 2012

Phi of the Week: Briana Losurdo

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. stated, “Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.” In other words, success and life to the fullest comes to those who take initiative and simply make things happen for themselves, and inevitably for others. Zeta Beta’s Phi of the Week exemplifies this quotation both in its metaphorical sense, as well as literally. Through her undeniably amazing dancing skills and leadership in stepping up to assist our Coaches with Lip Sync, Briana Losurdo has truly demonstrated what it means to be an Alpha Phi and the values that we call sisterhood.

Alpha Phi is comprised of the virtues of sisterhood, character, service, scholarship, loyalty, and character development. Briana has successfully achieved each and every one of these attributes in her selfless dedication to aiding and supporting her sisters both during and outside of practices – offering assistance to any girls who need it until the certain move [or entire dance] is learned. Her charisma and motivation is distinctive and truly contagious, inspiring others to persevere. It is undeniable that Briana is Phi of the Week, and that her leadership will continue to bring unity and sparkle to the Zeta Beta chapter at Loyola Marymount University that we are each proud to call our own. 

-Alex Petosa
 Member Development Chair
 Class of 2015

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lip Sync!

"On September 8th, the annual Greek Week Lip Sync competition is taking place. I was beyond excited to have the opportunity to choreograph this year, along with my friend Dawne Stanley. Lip sync has always been one of my favorite events of the year. Dawne and I have been competitively dancing our entire lives, and since freshman year, we have been looking forward to choreographing Lip Sync together our senior year. Whichever place we get, it is always an amazing time and a great experience. To people who watch lip sync, it only seems to be about perfect dance moves, fun songs, costumes, and an interesting story line. It is true that lip sync is all about these things, but for the girls participating in it, it is also so much more. This is the time of year where the entire sorority gets together almost every night. It is a time of bonding and getting to know everyone even better. It involves a lot of teamwork and motivating one another while we all work towards achieving the same goal. From late night practices to everyone getting together to paint backdrops, spending time with my sisters with the endless laughs never gets old. Everyone is extremely supportive of one another during practices and is always cheering on the girls that are dancing. The moves are not easy to everyone in the chapter, but the girls always work together to get them down, only to feel so accomplished at the end. There is never a dull moment when having 150 girls in a room together each night. These are definitely the nights I will never forget. After lip sync is over, everyone wishes it wasn’t because we are so used to getting to see each other every single day.

The feeling you get when it is finally time to get out on that stage the night of the competition is something I could never have prepared myself for my first year in lip sync. The lights are shining on you and the entire school is watching and cheering. Suddenly, it is like you forget all of the movements and your body is just somehow doing them on it’s own. Because of countless practices, your body is performing the moves because of the muscle memory. It is an unbelievably thrilling experience. Everyone is full of adrenaline and feels so proud at the end from truly giving it their all. Moreover, there was no better feeling than hearing the judges announce who won 1st place my sophomore year. After they announced Alpha Phi, I heard all of the girls immediately scream like nothing I had ever heard before and we knew our hard work had paid off. This was one of my favorite moments in Alpha Phi that I got to share with every single one of my sisters. No matter the outcome, the girls all enjoy becoming so much closer to everyone during lip sync. I can’t wait to perform our lip sync this year and I know I will continue to be proud not only of all of the girls giving their best effort, but also to be an Alpha Phi."

Christie Afzal
Co-Choreographer/VP Recruitment
Class of 2013

Alpha Phi right before Lip Sync 2011

Watch our 2011 Lip Sync performance "Saved by the Bell"

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hey everyone! Welcome back from summer vacation and to the new face of our blog! The purpose of our site will be to update all of our readers about what’s going on with Alpha Phi, here at Loyola Marymount.  Although most posts will be written by our active Director of Media, we will be featuring posts from various position leaders and Executive Board members. Our aim is to publish a couple new posts each week—so make sure to check back often!

But back to the original focus of this post: kicking off fall semester! After being separated for nearly four months, all of us are so excited to once again return to LA and reunite with our fellow sisters. On-campus move in starts this year on Friday, August 24 and fall classes begin on Monday, August 27th. So be sure to be on the lookout for our sisters either in class or around campus as they rep APhi! Lastly, with some recent changes with Greek Week, this year’s Lip Sync competition will be on September 8th. So for us here in Alpha Phi, we are channeling our energy into our choreography, in hopes of winning first place this year! Wish us luck!

Well, that’s all for today! Be sure to spread the word on our new blog! And check back next week when we post a guest article from one of our head choreographers, Christie Afzal (senior), who will tell us all about the Lip Sync experience and just how much winning first place means to us!

Peace, Love, and Alpha Phi,
Michelle Eriksson
Director of Media