Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hey everyone! Welcome back from summer vacation and to the new face of our blog! The purpose of our site will be to update all of our readers about what’s going on with Alpha Phi, here at Loyola Marymount.  Although most posts will be written by our active Director of Media, we will be featuring posts from various position leaders and Executive Board members. Our aim is to publish a couple new posts each week—so make sure to check back often!

But back to the original focus of this post: kicking off fall semester! After being separated for nearly four months, all of us are so excited to once again return to LA and reunite with our fellow sisters. On-campus move in starts this year on Friday, August 24 and fall classes begin on Monday, August 27th. So be sure to be on the lookout for our sisters either in class or around campus as they rep APhi! Lastly, with some recent changes with Greek Week, this year’s Lip Sync competition will be on September 8th. So for us here in Alpha Phi, we are channeling our energy into our choreography, in hopes of winning first place this year! Wish us luck!

Well, that’s all for today! Be sure to spread the word on our new blog! And check back next week when we post a guest article from one of our head choreographers, Christie Afzal (senior), who will tell us all about the Lip Sync experience and just how much winning first place means to us!

Peace, Love, and Alpha Phi,
Michelle Eriksson
Director of Media

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