Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Alumna of the Month: Jenna Reynolds

This month we honor Jenna Reynolds as Alumna of the Month!

While in the chapter Jenna held the positions of Recording Secretary and President. She graduated in 2012. She tells us that "Alpha Phi has helped me immensely as a teacher because it helped prepare me for the organization and management that is required to be in charge of 26 first graders' education. I learned how to plan ahead, how to interact with all types of personalities and how to be a team player. If it weren't for Alpha Phi, I do not think I would be as immune to the pressures of deadlines or ready to deal with all varieties of personalities."

Jenna says, "I love Alpha Phi from the bottom of my heart-- the members of this sorority were there when I needed them the most and the experiences I had helped me shape the person I am today. I learned how to be a leader, a sister and a friend through Alpha Phi. I am forever grateful for all they have given me-- especially my best friend Elise."

Jenna works as a first grade teacher at Friendship Academy of the Arts in Minneapolis, MN. She teaches math, language arts, science and social studies. She also teaches dance for the whole school. Check out her amazing performance as Kelly Kapowski during Alpha Phi's Lip Sync 2011 :) 

We love seeing Alumna working in their community doing what the love! Congrats Jenna!

 Jenna and her class

Jenna at APHIASCO 2012

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