Friday, October 19, 2012

Exchange and Date Night

This semester, we've been fortunate to have some great social events all thanks to our awesome social chair, Alix Traeger!

In September, we kicked things off with our first exchange of the year. Alpha Phi teamed up with the men of Beta Theta Pi to have a night of Hippies vs. Hipsters! We all had such a great time making new friends as we bonded to the universal love of One Direction and dancing along to some Carly Rae Jepsen. Below are some pictures from the event!

Sophomore Gabby Littlejohn and Junior Katie Altobello as Hippie and Hipster

Sophomores Jenna Hoover, Taylor Carter, Cristina Ventoza, and Leilani Mahoney
And our costume contest winners, sophomores Courtney Krail and Hannah Miller!

Date Night 
The next weekend, we had our semester's first date night! Each year, we have two date night events--one each semester-- and it is tradition that our fall date night is more casual and costume oriented. This fall, the theme was Predator vs. Prey and I have to say, we got REALLY into it! Seeing all the fun, creative costume ideas that everyone came up with was definitely a highlight of the night. We all danced the night away with our dates dressed as anything from Cruella DeVille and a dalmatian to a cougar and a teenager! The night's costume winner was senior Ali Clarizio and her boyfriend for being a squirrel and a car! Overall, it was a great night and everyone brought their best for costumes. Check out some pics below from the event!

Senior Alyssa Dasso and our Ivy Man, David Neubert, as Boo and Sully from Monster's, Inc. 

Arielle Jones, Galen Gomez, Danielle Vicino, Bryanne Lewis, and Kim Tran take a girl's pic!

Senior and costume winner Ali Clarizio with sophomore Isabella Cunningham 

Well that's it for this post! Can't wait to see what our exchange next week with Sigma Phi Epsilon will bring!

Peace, Love, and Alpha Phi,
Michelle Eriksson
Director of Media

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