Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Service!

Today's post is written by Quincy Felipe, our Director of Service!

"With this past Greek Week, the girls of Alpha Phi were given the opportunity to participate in various service events throughout the local community. From gardening to carnivals, my sisters put in their all and gave as much as they possibly could and I couldn't be more proud.

When it comes to service, it doesn't just stop at Greek Week. Throughout the school year and the summer, girls dedicate their time to volunteering. This includes tutoring elementary through high school students, beach clean-ups, Campus Ministry's Feed the Hungry, De Colores, and anything else the girls are passionate about. I'm so proud to be part of such a humble group of girls who go above and beyond with trying to make a difference. It's heartwarming to see such a caring group of girls spread their love throughout the community. What is even greater is that we get to do it all together. Spending the time to volunteer with each other strengthens our friendships by giving us something extra to share and bond over. There's no better way to build sisterhood than through service."

Quincy Felipe
Class of 2014
Director of Service

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