Thursday, January 3, 2013

Alumna of the Month: Michele Nasreen Askari

This month we are featuring one of our chapter's first members as Alumni of the Month. Michele Nasreen Askari graduated from LMU in 1980 and was one of our first presidents. 

Tell us about a memorable experience while at LMU
I traveled with the LMU Men's Basketball Team as a color commentator on KXLU Radio- it was quite an experience! Women in sportscasting roles were still quite rare in that era.

Tell us about being one of the first Alpha Phi's at LMU
Sororities were still brand new, but fraternities on campus were very supportive in helping us get established. We relied on great advisors who came from USC and Long Beach State, and interacted with the chapters at USC and UCLA. My initiation took place at the USC Alpha Phi house. I worked at a restaurant in the Marina which is now the Cheesecake Factory. Several of the guys who worked at "Chuck's Steak House" were (cute!) UCLA frat boys, so I used them as resources for date nights and exchanges.

Did any of your experiences in Alpha Phi help you in professional life?
I am a Director of Strategic Accounts for the corporate office of Hyatt Hotels and Resorts, and yes, juggling classes, a part-time job, an internship and sorority life taught me how to time-manage and prioritize deadlines, which I apply daily in my life. Recruitment was training ground for my role today when I need to meet strangers and make immediate favorable impressions. In sales we all have what is referred to as our "elevator speech"- if you were to only have the length of an elevator ride to explain to someone what it is you do, sell, endorse, what are the KEY items you would include.

Any additional information you would like to share about Alpha Phi?
One does not realize when in school how wonderful it is to have Alpha Phi sisterhood for a lifetime of connections! I am affiliated with the Chicago Alumnae Chapter and have met a great network of women of all ages here in the city. It is also fun in the workplace to discover when someone you work with is a sister, as well as connecting with sisters via Facebook.

Michele was gracious enough to share these pictures with us. We love seeing Alpha Phis in the past! 

Michele with her brother's family

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