Sunday, January 6, 2013

What Alpha Phis Did Over Break

This winter break was a whole month long, so some of the Alpha Phis decided to take advantage of the time off to get together! Everyone starts to miss each other after being away for too long. Senior, Sam Abrahams, planned a little Christmas party for all the girls who live in Southern California. It was at her home in Irvine and we ate delicious food, played games, and even had a white elephant gift exchange. We had so much fun!

Alpha Phis all over California met up in various places for New Years Eve parties, including San Francisco, Tahoe, and Los Angeles. 

Aphis in Seattle!

Winter Break was a lot of fun and a great time to relax. It was awesome that some of the girls had the opportunity to hang out over break. However, all the Alpha Phis are so excited to go back to school and see everyone again!

Lisa Alexander
Director of Media 

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