Monday, February 18, 2013

E-Board Spotlight: VP Marketing Leilani Mahoney

This week's E-Board Spotlight comes from our VP Marketing, Leilani Mahoney!
As a sophomore, I was uncertain about running for an executive board position but received a lot of great support and encouragement from my sisters. I've always loved the social media and apparel aspects of Alpha Phi, and ever since I became VP Marketing I have had the best time making shirts and using facebook, instagram, and twitter to document all of our fun events!
So far this semester we have had an amazing recruitment where our members received agendas with all of our events, Alpha Phi backpacks, and a new twist of slouchy sweatshirts as bid night shirts! Everyone loved their new Alpha Phi swag, especially our bid night sweatshirt designed by our awesome New Member Educator. Spring is filled with so many events such as Big Little Reveals, Date Night, Exchanges that we are hoping to get some unique apparel for!
I have learned so much already from my position and gained a lot of experience with marketing for the future. Please look forward to all of the fun photos, apparel, and updates on all of our social media!

Alpha Phi Love & Mine,
Leilani Mahoney
Class of 2015

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