Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Aphiasco 2013 Recap

Today's post is written by Hannah Comstock, our outgoing VP of Marketing who was the head of organizing this year's annual Aphiasco event. She was assisted by the current VP of Campus Affairs, Alex MacDonald and the Director of Aphiasco, Gabby Little John.

"This year's A-Phi-Asco was extremely special to me for a few reasons. My name is Hannah Comstock and I am the out-going VPM, making A-Phi-Asco 2013 my baby for the past year. 

The largest difference between this and last years event was the move from on campus to off. We have hosted the event off campus in the past so we knew we could definitely handle the challenge. We started scouting for ideal locations during Summer 2013 and eventually found the winner: The Four Points Sheraton LAX. Taking into consideration the fact that we were moving the event back off campus, the A-Phi-Asco team, me, Alex MacDonald and Gabby Littlejohn, knew we had a bit of revamping ahead of us. 

We made sure to make the event as accessible as possible, planning it on LMU parents weekend. We had a inkling that this was going to be crucial to our success. Little did we know it would be the reason we had to extend the event's capacity from 275 to 320 guests! This was the first time in many years we had hosted a sold out event. 

Almost more exciting was out newest addition to our live auction items: the worlds cutest puppy. I first heard of auctioning a puppy at A-Phi-Asco from other chapters mentioning it at our international conference and immediately knew the Zeta Beta chapter absolutely had to jump on this band wagon. We also featured a local artist, Jennifer Main, who painted live during our event. Her final drawing incorporated women's heart health and was an amazing piece of work, going for an amazing $1,700. 

The most inspirational part of the night, though, was the speech given by one of our senior members Jessi Jones. Jessi was kind enough to share her personal experience of how women's heart disease had recently directly affected her family. Jessi brought the causes the Alpha Phi Foundation supports directly home. The entire room had goose bumps as they gave Jessi a standing ovation. 

A-Phi-Asco has always been an event our chapter look forward to: a time to show our friends and family how amazing our chapter is and the philanthropic work that we do. This year, though, A-Phi-Asco's cause was able to truly inspire each and every guest in the room which resulted in the Zeta Beta chapter of Alpha Phi raising over $45,000 for women's heart health and furthering awareness for women's heart disease. It's safe to say this was one of the best A-Phi-Asco's yet!"

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