Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Member Process

Today's post is brought to you by one of our pledge moms, Charlotte Laven!

It did not hit me that I was going to be a Pledge Mom to 60 new Alpha Phi members until I heard a stampede of 60 screaming girls on Bid Night. It made me remember that night for me 2 years prior and how excited I was. They were immediately lumped into a new friend group and on their way to joining an amazing sisterhood. I was there to introduce them to that. Over the past 5 weeks myself and The Director of Fraternity Education, Shannon Hearne have been there to guide these 60 new members on their journey as an Alpha Phi. We have gone over the moral and values of being an Alpha Phi and the foundation behind our sisterhood.
            We have met each Sunday so that they actually know the story behind this organization. A sorority especially Alpha Phi is so much more than the socials and formals that everyone sees the pictures of. It was my job to make sure that they have come to know that. During the fourth week of this process, each new member received a Big Sister. This is someone to take them under their wing and really be one of the closest members in the chapter for them. Each girl was mutually paired with her big and received different clues to who she may be during the Big/Little Week. On the final day, they received a clue of wrapping paper that a box would be wrapped in on the night of reveal. Their big would be hiding in the box and once the new member took the box off of them, they could finally be united at big and little.
  As initiation approaches at the end of this week, we are all excited to have these 60 new amazing girls be life long members of Alpha Phi. They are all so excited to be able to wear their letters around campus and show their Alpha Phi pride like no other. It has truly been a blessing to lead these amazing girls on their path to becoming an initiated member of Alpha Phi. I can surely speak on the behalf of our chapter that we are so proud to have such an amazing pledge class represent Alpha Phi.


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