Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome Madam President, Andriana!

With the new semester coming up, a new change has happened in our Alpha Phi Chapter! We have a new president, Andriana Ricchiuti, who will be our new leader for 2015! Andriana has a few words on her accomplishment and her plan for Alpha Phi:

“I am extremely honored to follow in the footsteps of the many accomplished leaders of Alpha Phi.  With their mentorship and the support of fellow sisters, I know wholeheartedly that we will advance the mission and uphold the values of Alpha Phi.  Together, we can accomplish meaningful and productive work that positively touches our community.

Andriana Ricchiuti
Class of 2016”

Andriana, we are so excited to see where you will take Alpha Phi and can’t wait to get back to school to see the sisterhood! Our president of last year, 2014, spoke wonderfully of her term as president and is excited to pass on the responsibility to Andriana:

“Being the Chapter President for 2013-2014 was a tremendous honor. I learned a lot about myself and am thankful for the executive board I had the pleasure of working with. Before I became President, I had no idea how special the Zeta Beta chapter was not only at LMU, but how unique it is internationally. Although it was bittersweet for me to pass on the gavel, I am extremely confident that our next Lady Superior, Andriana Ricchiuti, will do an outstanding job leading our chapter. Overall, I want to say thank you to my Alpha Phi sisters and Chapter Advisors for giving me love and support throughout my presidency. I am overwhelmed with gratitude from this experience and Alpha Phi will always hold a special place in my heart!

Alpha Phi Love & Mine,
Leilani Mahoney

Class of 2015”

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