Friday, July 20, 2012

Alpha Phi Convention 2012

"I arrived in Phoenix, Arizona for The Alpha Phi International Convention to 115 degree weather, 400 Alpha Phi sisters from all over the country and not much idea as to what I was about to embark upon. I soon found out just how empowering of an experience I was going to have, and it started with entering the hotel. Even though I didn't know anyone I saw, everyone was friendly and smiling, knowing we were all Alpha Phis. I was sharing a room with the delegate from UCLA named Ashley and she and I immediately hit it off. After settling in I met up with a couple other Presidents that I knew from Regional Conference and threw myself into the comfort and unique bond that is shared between girls who have been elected as the president of their sororities. While all of our Chapters are different, we are bound together by the same foundation of our ritual; and there is an innate sense of friendship shared between all of us simply because of our shared membership. The next five days flew by in a whirlwind of meetings, shared meals and informational sessions- all of which made me more and more excited to get back to my own chapter and implement the changes and strategies that we were taught. 

One day we had the awards ceremony where the Collegiate Chapters were recognized for the work they put in every semester. Our chapter was honored with the award for "Best Recruitment Video" and a runner up for the award in "Best Service". I was extremely proud to be representing the Zeta Beta Chapter and all that we had accomplished in the past two years. My favorite night was the Red Dress Gala Dinner in which we gained many ideas for our own Red Dress Gala, we were entertained by the phi-nominal performances by Alpha Phi sisters and raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The second night after dinner an initiation ceremony was held where members could initiate alumnae women who were not Greek in college but possessed the unique qualities of an Alpha Phi. One of our advisors initiated her mother and it was an incredible experience to witness, with so many other women bonded together through our shared sisterhood. On our last night, more awards were give out and our Advisors were honored with the award for the most outstanding Advisory Board, and award which they so vehemently deserved. We have been blessed with 5 amazing advisors who always have our best interests at heart and have helped the Zeta Beta Chapter be the best that we can be. By the end of my 5 days at Convention I left with a renewed sense of leadership and a fervent desire to continue to strengthen and shape our chapter in my next three months as President as well as during my last semester in College. I forged bonds with other Presidents and collegiate delegates and was able to enjoy the company, advice and insight of so many other girls who all shared a common goal, passion and bond through Alpha Phi." 

-Megan MacDonell
 Chapter President

Myself with our chapter banner showing the year we were founded at LMU

Alpha Phi Sisters from the Southwest Region

Check out the video recap of the Alpha Phi Convention 2012

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