Thursday, September 20, 2012

Executive Board Spotlight: VPCO

This week's E-Board Spotlight comes from our VP of Chapter Operations, Malia Haunfelner!

"If someone told me a year ago that I would be a VP, let alone VP of Operations for Alpha Phi, I probably would have said that they were crazy. I definitely wanted to get more involved within our chapter but I doubted my ability to step up and be a VP. I ran for several lower scale positions last year, but we needed someone to fill the VP Operations position. Someone suggested that I do it and my whole pledge class agreed. Having them back me up and believe in me, meant the world to me. I knew that if my sisters thought I could do it and fill the position well, then I could. They pushed me and gave me confidence, and I am so extremely grateful that they did.

I am a communication studies major and English minor, so running for a position that involves creating our annual budget and dealing with finances was very intimidating. But I feel so lucky that I was given the chance to learn and fill the position to the best of my abilities. As VP of Chapter Operations, I produce and maintain our annual budget, ensure that all dues are collected, manage cash flow and officer spending, and work closely with the rest of the members on our executive board.

I have learned so much and have grown tremendously over the past year, mainly because of Alpha Phi and my position as VPCO. I can’t even imagine what my college career would have been like without Alpha Phi and all of the truly amazing women in our chapter. They have all pushed me to be a stronger, better, and happier person. Being on executive board has brought me so much closer to all of these amazing girls and I feel so thankful to have them all in my life. These girls are my family and being VPCO has allowed me to grow, not only as a person, but also as a member of this chapter."

Malia Haunfelner
VP of Chapter Operations
Class of 2013

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