Saturday, September 29, 2012

Phi of the Week: Kelsey Harrington

This week's Phi of the Week is Kelsey Harrington!

"All of us have heard the quote. Whether it was from an English class, She’s the Man, or Pinterest, William Shakespeare’s wisdom rings familiar: “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Some individuals exemplify one or two of these methods of greatness, while a few achieve all three. Zeta Beta’s Phi of the Week is one of those few. Through her natural leadership ability, determination to inspire her sisters to succeed, and willingness to take on roles for the betterment of her chapter, Kelsey Harrington has unquestionably achieved greatness in various ways.
In the short time since the school year has started, Kelsey has displayed leadership during Lip Sync, in her position as A-Phi football coach, and through her general presence and natural initiative both during and outside of Alpha Phi functions. Her charisma, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to everything she does make Kelsey stand out as a positive leader and someone who we can all aspire to embody in our attitudes and actions. There is no doubt that Kelsey is Phi of the Week, and that she will continue to lead the Zeta Beta chapter of Alpha Phi in its contribution to the Loyola Marymount community through the various attributes that we can more specifically define as greatness."

Alex Petosa
Member Development Chair
Class of 2015

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