Tuesday, September 11, 2012

PHI-nominal Phi: Breezy Bruns

Here is our latest guest post by our PHI-nominal Phi, Breezy Bruns. She was recently featured on LMU's website here.  

"Last week I was given the opportunity to intern with CNN at the Republican National Convention. Being a political science major, this internship was a dream come true. I was able to work directly with the politicians I study on a day to day basis and watch the political process that I have devoted a large part of my studies to, first hand. It was the perfect immersion into American politics before I head off to my fellowship at the London School of Economics and internship within British parliament. 

During my time in Tampa, I was able to utilize skills I developed as a member of Alpha Phi's executive board. I was forced to keep an open mind and listen to varying perspectives, an important tool when helping to make decisions that will affect your fellow sisters. In addition, I was able to be flexible when necessary, as large scale events rarely go as planned. These internships are helping to further develop my leadership abilities, and I hope to utilize what I am learning as a leader in Alpha Phi when I return home!"

Love and AOE,
Breezy Bruns 
Class of 2014 

After the convention, Breezy will travel to London as a Hansard Fellow with LMU’s Institute for Leadership Studies.

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